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Tuesday, November 26, 2024


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Although not a member of the class of 1965, many will remember Patrick McDaniel, WHS'66, who was killed in Cambodia on 30 May 1970, while serving with the United States Army during the Vietnam War.

In memory of those who died
We weep and walk away.
Tears run into swollen streams.
No trace of us remains.

Even those who grieve are gone,
And those that grieve who grieve,
And those whose lives are ravaged by
A frantic urge to be,

And those who wander silently
Among the empty rooms:
Immortality is theirs,
Though they must vanish, too.

We bear astonished witness to
The passage of the soul.
No bridge exists that can connect
Our passion to the whole.



visits since 22 December 2008